PID Input Methods
Enable PID control using constant b5-01, and set the PID target value and PID feedback value.
PID Target Value Input Methods
Select the PID control target value input method according to the setting in b1-01 (Reference Selection).
Normally, the frequency reference selected in b1-01 is the PID target value, but you can also set the PID target
value as shown in the following table.
PID Feedback Input Methods
Select one of the following PID control feedback input methods.
PID Adjustment Methods
Use the following procedure to adjust PID while performing PID control and measuring the response wave-
1. Set b5-01 (PID Control Method Selection) to 1 or 2 (PID control enabled).
2. Increase b5-02 (Proportional Gain (P)) to within a range that does not vibrate.
3. Reduce b5-03 (Integral (I) time) to within a range that does not vibrate.
4. Increase b5-05 (Derivative (D) time) to within a range that does not vibrate.
PID Target Input Method
Setting Conditions
Multi-Function Analog Ter-
minal A2, or A3 Input
Set H3-05 or H3-09 to C (PID target value). Also, be sure to set H6-01 (pulse train input
function selection) to 1 (PID feedback value).
The negative inputs cannot be used for target values.
MEMOBUS register 0006H
Set MEMOBUS bit 1 in register address 000FH to 1 (enable/disable PID target value
from communications) to be able to use register number 0006H as the PID target value.
Pulse train input
Set H6-01 to 2 (PID target value).
Input Method
Setting Conditions
Multi-function analog input
Set H3-09 (Multi-function Analog Input Terminal A2 Selection) or H3-05 (Multi-func-
tion Analog Input Terminal A3 Function Selection) to B (PID feedback).
Pulse train input
Set H6-01 to 1 (PID feedback).
Adjust PID target value and PID feedback value using the following items.
• Analog input: Adjust using the analog input terminal gain and bias.
• Pulse train input: Adjust using pulse train scaling, pulse train input gain, and pulse train input bias.