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Note that on some projectors above setting for the “L/R Input Reference” parameter may not work. In such a case the following values
should be tried before modifying any other settings:
Use line interleave where first line = Left, second line = Right
Use active data port, Port A = Left, Port B = Right
Use selected input port/polarity = true
Unit Configuration Using the PC Based Configuration Utility
The XPAND Trinity 3D Superlight Polarizer features a PC-based setup and configuration utility which can be used for changing advanced
settings on the unit. Its default settings enable it to work out of the box so no configuration is required. However, based on the system with
which the unit is used, some settings may need to be changed to ensure desired operation.
The PC configuration utility is subject to updates so make sure to check the help file bundled
with each release for up to date information about its features and functionality!
The configuration utility is made up of six parts:
(1) Device Selection - Selecting and connecting to a unit.
(2) Device Network Settings - Unit’s network settings information and control.
(3) Device Information - General information about the connected unit.
(4) Device General Settings - Information and control of connected unit’s general settings.
(5) Device Mode Control Settings - Information and control of connected unit’s settings pertaining to its mode control source.
(6) The Menu Bar - Additional features related to the configuration utility and connected unit.
Using the Configuration Utility
The list below only gives a general description of configuration utility’s features. For a more detailed and up to date explanation see the
configuration utility’s help file.
Device Selection and Connection
In a common setup a cinema theatre will have more than one cinema hall equipped with XPAND’s 3D systems which support Ethernet
control and the operator will be able to access all of them from the same PC. To distinguish between all connected devices a “known devices
list” needs to be maintained. This section is used to manage such a list of known devices, connect to them and display and change the
information about each one. The section features the following controls:
Select Device drop-down list:
Used to select a device to connect to from a list of devices known to the utility. Devices must
be added manually. See “Add new device” control description below.
Get Device State button:
By pressing this button the utility attempts to connect to the currently selected device and retrieve its
configuration which it then displays.
Device info:
Clicking on this control displays information about network parameters of the device currently selected in the
“Select Device” drop-down list as known to the configuration utility. A pop-up window which displays this information also
allows modifying these parameters in the list. Note that if the actual settings of the unit are modified from PC A, the ones stored
by the configuration utility on PC B will have to be updated manually through the Device Info pup-up window.
Add new device:
Opens a pop-up window which can be used to enter network parameters of a new device and add it to the
list of known devices.
Delete selected device:
Deletes the currently selected device from the list of known devices.
Device Network Settings
This section displays the connected unit’s network settings as set on the device and also allows changing them. The fields and controls
listed below make this possible.