KCU1250 User Guide
UG1057 (v1.0) December 19, 2014
Appendix D:
System Controller
Power Monitoring Data Menu
The KCU1250 board includes the Texas Instruments INA226 power monitoring device. The
Power Monitoring Data menu, unlike the PMBus menu, provides both voltage and current
monitoring for the MGT power modules, as well as for the FPGA fabric power rails.
KCU1250 System Controller
- Power Monitoring Data Menu -
1. Continuous Scan Voltage and Current
2. Advanced INA226 Setting
• Continuous Scan Voltage and Current
This option lists the voltages shown in option 1 of the PMBus menu and displays the
average, minimum, and maximum current of each rail. The list is updated about once per
second. Pressing any key displays the PMBus menu.
• Advanced INA226 Setting
This option can be used to select one of the PMBus power monitors and explore
additional user settings such as monitor calibration. Refer to the INA226 data sheet
for device registers information.
Select the Advanced Setting Operation
KCU1250 System Controller
- INA226 Advanced Menu -
1. Select INA226 Device
2. Get INA226 Register
3. Set INA226 Register
0. Return to Previous Menu
- Select the Device
KCU1250 System Controller
- Select INA226 Menu -
1. Select VCCINT Monitor
2. Select VCCAUX Monitor
3. Select VCCBRAM Monitor
4. Select VCCO_HP Monitor
5. Select VCCO_HR Monitor
6. Select MGTAVCC Monitor
7. Select MGTAVTT Monitor
8. Select MGTVCCAUX Monitor
0. Return to Previous Menu