KCU1250 User Guide
UG1057 (v1.0) December 19, 2014
Chapter 1:
KCU1250 Board Features and Operation
UltraScale FPGA
The KCU1250 board is populated with the UltraScale XCKU040-2FFVA1156E FPGA at U1
(callout 1,
). For further information on UltraScale FPGAs, see
Architecture and Product Overview
FPGA Configuration
The FPGA is configured though one of these options:
• Digilent embedded USB JTAG connector (callout 5,
• Platform cable USB JTAG cable connector (callout 6,
• SD card using the Zynq-7000 AP SoC system controller in 8-bit SelectMAP mode
(callout 7,
The KCU1250 board includes an embedded USB-to-JTAG configuration module (Digilent
U80), which allows a host computer to access the JTAG chain using a standard A to micro-B
USB cable. Alternatively, a JTAG connector (J2) is available to access the JTAG chain using
the Xilinx platform cable USB II configuration cable. Additionally, the FPGA can be
configured from an SD card installed in J10 with the help of the system controller U38,
which reads a predefined bit file from the SD card and configures the FPGA in 8-bit
SelectMAP configuration mode. See