M a n u a l I n s t a l l a t i o n P r o c e d u r e
X N I C - E N E T / T R I N G C o n f i g u r a t i o n G u i d e
BootP, DHCP,
and RARP
When the printer is powered on, the default sequence of IP
address acquisition is to attempt BootP first. If BootP fails, attempt
DHCP. If DHCP fails, attempt RARP.
Using the following three commands will define how many times
the XNIC printer server will attempt BootP, DHCP, and RARP.
define server bootp n m
define server dhcp n m
define server rarp n m
These commands can also be used to disable BootP, DHCP, or
RARP on the XNIC. They are detailed in Table 5.2 on page 5-39.
These commands can be issued remotely by:
Telnet. Refer to page 5-39.
TES in Novell. Refer to
Remote Logging into the XNIC via
(page 3-50)
NCP in DEC LAT (Refer to
Logging into the XNIC
(page 5-35).
In the following procedures, if the
on your host is administered by NIS (formerly, Yellow Pages),
you must update the appropriate NIS master hosts database
Etr-ch05 Page 14 Thursday, October 24, 1996 7:31 PM