I n s t a l l i n g F i l e s f r o m a n F T P S e r v e r
X N I C - E N E T / T R I N G C o n f i g u r a t i o n G u i d e
Once the necessary files from the ftp server are retrieved into the
local hard disk of your workstation, start the installation
procedure as discussed in the next section.
Installation for
For the initial installation of the your printer for Network Printing,
follow these instructions:
If your workstation is SunOS, enter:
# cd SunOS
# get suno1of3.cpio
(retrieves the 4517 Drivers
installation file 1 of 3)
# get suno2of3.cpio
(retrieves the 4517 Drivers
installation file 2 of 3)
# get suno3of3.cpio
(retrieves the 4517 Drivers
installation file 3 of 3)
If your workstation is Solaris, enter:
# cd Solaris
# get sol21of3.cpio
(retrieves the 4517 Drivers
installation file 1 of 3)
# get sol22of3.cpio
(retrieves the 4517 Drivers
installation file 2 of 3)
# get sol23of3.cpio
(retrieves the 4517 Drivers
installation file 3 of 3)
# bye
At the command line, enter:
# tar -xvf xnicinst.tar
(this will extract the
installation files)
ETR-APPB Page 18 Thursday, October 24, 1996 7:51 AM