Alarm Configuration
7.1. The Over Temperature Alarms
The Over Temperature Alarms are designed to inform you when the temperature level
inside your equipment rack reaches or exceeds certain user-defined levels. There
are two separate Over Temperature Alarms; the Initial Threshold alarm and the Critical
Threshold Alarm.
Typically, the Initial Threshold alarm is used to notify you when the temperature within
your equipment rack reaches a point where you
want to investigate it, whereas the
Critical Threshold alarm is used to notify you when the temperature approaches a level
that may harm equipment or inhibit performance. The trigger for the Initial Threshold
alarm is generally set lower than the Critical Threshold alarm.
If the user-defined trigger levels for temperature are exceeded, the RSM-8R can
automatically shut off power to non-essential devices ("Load Shedding") in order to
reduce the amount of temperature generated within the rack. In addition, the Load
Shedding feature can also be used to switch On additional components, such as fans or
cooling systems in order to dissipate the excess heat. After Load Shedding has taken
place, the Load Shedding Recovery feature can be used to return plugs to their previous
state after the temperature drops to an acceptable level.
• In order for the RSM-8R to provide alarm notification via Email,
communication parameters must first be defined as described in
Section 5.9.11.
• In order for the RSM-8R to provide alarm notification via Syslog Message,
Syslog parameters must first be defined and Syslog Messages must be
enabled as described in Section 5.9.2.
• In order for the RSM-8R to provide alarm notification via SNMP Trap, SNMP
parameters must first be defined, and SNMP Traps must be enabled as
described in Section 5.9.7.
To configure the Over Temperature Alarms, access the RSM-8R command mode using
a password that permits Administrator Level commands, and then use the Alarm
Configuration menu to select the desired alarm feature.
Note that both the Initial Threshold menus and Critical Threshold menus offer essentially
the same set of parameters, but the parameters defined for each alarm are separate
and unique. Therefore, parameters defined for the Critical Threshold Alarm will not be
applied to the Initial Threshold Alarm and vice versa.
Both the Over Temperature (Initial Threshold) alarm and the Over Temperature (Critical
Threshold) alarm offer the following parameters:
Trigger Enable:
Enables/Disables the trigger for this alarm. When Disabled, this
alarm will be suppressed. (Default = On.)
To cancel an alarm without correcting the condition that caused the
alarm, simply toggle the Trigger Enable parameter Off and then back On again.