The Status Screens
8.2. The Network Status Screen
The Network Status screen shows activity at the RSM-8R's 16 virtual network ports, and
lists the TCP Port Number, Active/Free Status and current user name for each virtual
network port. To display the Network Status Screen via the Text Interface, type
. To display the Network Status Screen via the Web Browser Interface,
click on the Network Status link. The Network Status Screen lists the following items:
The virtual network port for each connection.
TCP Port:
The number of the TCP Port for each connection.
This column will read "Free" if no users are currently connected to the
corresponding port, or "Active" if a user has currently accessed command mode via
this port.
User Name:
The user name for the account that has currently accessed command
mode via this port. Note that when the Network Status Screen is viewed via the Text
Interface, usernames that are longer than 22 characters will be truncated and the
remaining characters will be displayed as two dots (..).
8.3. The Port and Plug Status Screens
The Port Status screen and Plug Status screen show the current status of the
RSM-8R's serial ports and switched plugs. The Port Status screen lists the user-defined
port name and port mode for each serial port, as well as the buffer count, connection
status and the names of any user's currently accessing these ports. The Plug Status
screen shows the On/Off status of the switched outlets, and lists user-defined Plug
Names, Boot/Sequence Delay values, and Default On/Off settings.
• In the Text Interface, Port and Plug status is shown on a single screen. When
the /S command is invoked, the Port Status Screen will be displayed first;
to display the Plug Status Screen.
• In the Web Browser Interface, Port and Plug status is shown on two separate
• When Port Status and Plug Status is viewed by an account with Administrator
or SuperUser command access, all RSM-8R serial ports and plugs are listed.
When Port Status and Plug Status is viewed by an account with User or
ViewOnly command access, then the screen will list only the serial ports and
switched outlets that are allowed by that account.
• The Port and Plug Status screens also display the current temperature
reading for the RSM-8R unit.
• The Plug Status screen also shows the current status of the RSM-8R's Internal
Modem Port.