The Status Screens
8.7. The Port Parameters Screens
The /W (Who) command displays more detailed information about an individual
RSM-8R port. Rather than listing general connection information for all ports, the Port
Parameters screen lists all defined parameters for a specific port.
When the /W command is invoked by an Administrator or SuperUser level account, it
can be used to display parameters for all RSM-8R Serial Ports, plus the Network Port. If
the /W command is invoked by a User or ViewOnly level account, then it will only display
parameters for the Serial Ports that are specifically allowed for that account, and will not
display parameters for the Network Port.
The /W command uses the following format:
/W xx
is the desired port number. If the /W command is invoked at a serial port, by
a user with access to Administrator or SuperUser level commands, then the letter "
can be entered as the command argument to display parameters for the Network Port.
• The Port Parameters screens are only available via the Text Interface.
• When the /W command is invoked by an Administrator level account which
has accessed command mode via the Network Port , all Network Port
Parameters will be displayed..
• When the /W command is invoked by a SuperUser level account which
has accessed command mode via the Network Port, only the Sequence
Disconnect, Logoff Character, and Accept Break option will be displayed.