Page 17
A square indicates that this is a center channel and will be monitored
in both speakers.
The symbol shown on channels 7 and 8 in Figure 2-6 indicate that
this channel pair is a Dolby bitstream. Refer to the
Dolby Zoom
section of this chapter.
The channel numbers within the symbols indicate the numbered position
in the meter display, not the channel position within the monitored
stream. Channel assignment is made in the
Configure Presets
page of
the Web GUI.
Monitored Input
: The name of the input signal source that is currently
selected appears here for your reference.
MPEG Analyzer
: The
MPEG Analyzer
selector only appears while
monitoring MPEG signals that were selected using the
Source Select
screen. It will not appear if the MPEG signal appeared as a result of
selecting a Preset. It is a shortcut to the
MPEG Analyzer
screen. Refer to
Figure 2-14.
Main Menu
: Touching the
Main Menu
selector proceeds to the
. Refer to Figure 2-9. The
Main Menu
provides a selection of option
setting and system information screens.
Channel / Cluster Touch Selection Area
: Touching the meters of a
cluster will let you mute, un-mute, or solo the associated channel(s).
Colored boxes surrounding the cluster or channel indicate what operation
is being performed. The following describes each function:
Mute / Un-Mute Selection
A violet box surrounds any channel
cluster that is muted. Typically, when the iAM-VIDEO is first
powered or when a preset is changed, all of the channel clusters
are muted. Touching a muted channel cluster un-mutes it and
removes the violet box. Muting and un-muting by touching is an
alternate action function.
Solo Selector
Touch for two seconds any channel cluster you
would like to solo. A blue box will then surround the cluster and
that will be the only cluster you hear. Any violet boxes will
disappear. Touch again to return the combination of monitored
clusters to the way they were before you soloed the cluster.
Channel Solo
: Rotating the
control will move a white
selection box from channel to channel. Press the
control to
solo the selected channel. That channel alone will then be
surrounded by a blue box and it will the only channel being
monitored. Press the
control again or touch anywhere on
the meters to undo the solo and return the combination of
monitored clusters to as it was before you soloed the channel.