Configuration of gateways with samosPLAN
Wieland Electric GmbH | BA000970 | 07/2019 [9855]
Layout and content of the tabs
The tabs of the
view contain the following data and features:
Tab 1: Routing table with output values (data bytes)
Transmission direction: samosPRO COMPACT -> Network/field bus
The mapping is shown in tabular form. Bits which have been used appear on a dark blue back-
ground. In online mode, the input data of the relevant gateway is displayed (byte display 0x00 at the
start of the relevant line).
Illustration 3: Routing table with output values
Tab 2: Routing table with input values (data bytes)
Transmission direction: Network/field bus -> samosPLAN
Visualization: as per Tab 1
Illustration 4: Routing table with input values
Tab 3: "Gateway configuration"
Tab 3 only appears if you have activated SP-EN-MOD or SP-EN-IP.