CANopen gateway
Wieland Electric GmbH | BA000970 | 07/2019 [9855]
Heartbeat producer
When the gateway has been configured as a heartbeat producer (i.e. when SDO 1017 contains a va-
lue for the producer heartbeat time, see table
"Supported SDOs" [ch. 10.10, p. 142]
), then sends a cyc-
lical message with the CAN-ID 700h+N, DLC = 1 and Byte 1 = 05h. The toggle bit (bit 7) is always 0.
Heartbeat consumer
When the gateway has been configured as a heartbeat consumer (i.e. when SDO 1016.1 contains a
value for the consumer heartbeat time, see table
"Supported SDOs" [ch. 10.10, p. 142]
), then at least
one node guarding message must be received within the configured consumer heartbeat time (typi-
cally from a NMT master).
PDO communication
Process data objects (PDOs) are the real-time objects of the CANopen field bus. They are sent wit-
hout a protocol overhead, i.e. the receiver sends no confirmation.
The SP-CANopen module provides for transmit process data objects (TxPDOs), which contain the
process data to be sent to the network, and four receive process
data objects (RxPDOs) for the process data received from the network.
CANopen objects are addressed with the aid of 11-bit CAN identifiers. As a pre-set, the CAN identifier
derives each object from the object type and the configured CANopen device address. The CAN iden-
tifier of the PDOs can be changed by using SDOs 1400 to 1403 for the RxPDOs and SDOs 1800 to 1803
for the TxPDOs ("PDO linking").
Each process data object contains 8 bytes.
The content of the process data objects can be freely selected, but has been preconfigured as
follows in samosPLAN
Table 98: Preset for the content of the transmit process data objects (TxPDOs) of the SP-CANopen module
Output data -
Block 1
Output data -
Block 2
Output data -
Block 3
Output data -
Block 4
Byte 0
Input values for
Module 0 (I1..I8)
Input values for
Module 1
Input values for
Module 9
Output values for
Module 5
Byte 1
Input values for
Module 0 (I9..I16)
Input values for
Module 2
Input values for
Module 10
Output values for
Module 6
Byte 2
Input values for
Module 0 (IQ1..IQ4)
Input values for
Module 3
Input values for
Module 11
Output values for
Module 7
Byte 3
Output values for
Module 0
Input values for
Module 4
Input values for
Module 12
Output values for
Module 8
Byte 4
Direct data (Off) 1
Input values for
Module 5
Output values for
Module 1
Output values for
Module 9
Byte 5
Direct data (Off) 2
Input values for
Module 6
Output values for
Module 2
Output values for
Module 10
Byte 6
Direct data (Off) 3
Input values for
Module 7
Output values for
Module 3
Output values for
Module 11
Byte 7
Direct data (Off) 4
Input values for
Module 8
Output values for
Module 4
Output values for
Module 12
Detailed information about the content of the process diagram may be found here:
Configuring the gateway output values (tab 1) [ch. 5.3, p. 47]