Product description
Wieland Electric GmbH | BA000970 | 07/2019 [9855]
Data sets
The physical modules are not presented as typical hardware modules in the network. Instead, the
data provided by the samosPRO system has been arranged in four
input data sets
Data set 1
(max. 50 bytes) contains the process data. It can be compiled with the aid of samos-
6. In the form in which it is delivered, the content of data set 1 is preconfigured; it can be
freely modified.
Details: see table
"Overview of input data sets" [ch. 3.3, p. 21]
For the SP-PROFIBUS-DP gateway, data set 1 was divided into five input data blocks, with data
blocks 1–4 each containing 12 bytes and data block 5 two bytes.
For the SP-CANopen gateway, data set 1 was divided into four blocks, each with 8 bytes.
You will find more detailed information in the corresponding section for each gateway.
Data set 2
(32 bytes) contains the test values (CRCs) for the system configuration.
See table "Overview of input data sets 1-3 (basic settings for Modbus TCP)" below
Data set 3
(60 bytes) contains the state and diagnostic data for the various modules, with four
(4) bytes per module, with the controller module comprising 3 x 4 bytes. Details: see table
aning of module state bits" [ch. 3.3.5, p. 26]
Data set 4
(60 bytes) is currently filled with reserved values.