Trouble Shooting
The WhisperGen automatically alerts the user to most errors. Errors may be faults or warnings. If
a fault occurs, the WhisperGen will automatically clear the fault and attempt to restart. By default,
the WhisperGen will attempt to restart once. If you wish to change this setting, contact your
authorised WhisperGen agent.
This section outlines faults and warnings that you may encounter and need to correct. After a fault
is physically corrected, the error message displayed on the control panel needs to be cleared
before normal operation may be resumed. Although a warning can be cleared without the
physical cause being first removed, it is recommended that the cause be determined and
removed at the earliest opportunity. Refer to section entitled Clearing Faults and warnings for
more information.
If you need assistance, please contact your authorised WhisperGen service agent.
Correcting Faults
Error Message
Likely Cause and Recommended Action
Exh overtemp
Likely cause:
Low gas pressure and/or burner seal has failed.
Recommended Action:
Attempt to restart, contact an authorised WhisperGen service
agent if problem reoccurs.
Block overtemp
Likely cause:
Insufficient cooling of the engine block.
Recommended Action:
Check coolant level. Check for obstructions in coolant and
seawater circuits. Allow engine to cool and restart.
Likely cause:
Excessive power loss in electronic assembly, or poor air-cooling
within electronics enclosure.
Recommended Action:
Ensure ambient temperature is below 40°C. Ensure airflow from
the base of the enclosure through to the electronics heat sink is
not blocked. Ensure the enclosure lid is fitted and well sealed.
Electronics too
See 6.
This error only appears when the flow switch monitoring
software is enabled.
You should read and understand all safety precautions before
operating or maintaining your WhisperGen.
When remedying WhisperGen faults, please follow the recommendations in
this manual otherwise, you may injure yourself and the warranty will be
void. If the recommended action does not remedy the fault, contact your
authorised WhisperGen service agent.