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A-5000 / Nov 98
Internal Programming Options
All internal programming is made via PCB mounted switches on the
module’s two printed circuit boards.
For the purposes of this manual, we will assume you are holding the re-
moved module upright, component side towards you, with gold-plated card
fingers to the left and the module faceplate to the right. This will enable you to
read the control legends silkscreened next to each programming switch. Note
when a dipswitch position is thrown to the right (towards the module’s face-
plate) it is ON.
Like MM-5000 inputs, SL-5000 modules can be programmed to mute
studio speakers when it’s channel ON switch is pressed. The A-5000
console has three mute control lines: control room, studio one and studio
two. Each of these may be activated by either an A or B input source. The
first three positions of dipswitches SW2 and SW3 (to the left of the fader)
program these muting functions:
SW2 position 1 mutes the control room when source A is ON
SW2 position 2 mutes studio one when source A is ON
SW2 position 3 mutes studio two when source A is ON
SW3 position 1 mutes the control room when source B is ON
SW3 position 2 mutes studio one when source B is ON
SW3 position 3 mutes studio two when source B is ON
The mix-minus signal may be programmed to be pre or post fader:
SW6 assigned MXM1
SW7 assigned MXM2
The default setting is “post”.
The dipswitch SW4 turns ON/OFF the mix-minus feed:
SW4 position 3 assigned MXM1
SW4 position 4 assigned MXM2
Timer Restart
When the module is turned ON, the console’s digital timer can be
programmed to automatically reset to zero and begin counting up.
SW2 position 4 activates timer restart when source A is turned ON*
SW3 position 4 activates timer restart when source B is turned ON
Cue Dropout
Dipswitch SW4 position 1, when activated, will cause the module’s
CUE function to be de-activated whenever the channel ON switch is
pressed. This is the factory default setting.
*factory default setting
A-5000 / Jul 99