page 2 – 5
A-5000 / Nov 98
talkback signal doesn’t go out over the air.
It is also desirable to mute the studio monitor speakers during talkback
operations, not only to reduce ambient noise (i.e., the regular studio
monitor signal) but also to prevent potential feedback if both the operator
and the studio talent press their respective TB buttons at the same time.
Dipswitch SW4 programs the appropriate muting:
Dipswitch position 1 mutes studio one when microphone A is live
Dipswitch position 2 mutes studio two when microphone A is live
Dipswitch position 3 mutes studio one when microphone B is live
Dipswitch position 4 mutes studio two when microphone B is live
As stated before, all user wiring to and from MM-5000 modules takes
place at DB-25 multi-pin connectors mounted directly beneath each
module on the console mainframe’s bottom pan. There are two connectors
per module: the upper one (towards the console meterbridge) handles
audio signals; the lower (near the console armrest) control signals. A
pinout drawing on page 2-7 shows all wiring connections at a glance.
Audio Connections (upper DB-25)
These include A and B mic inputs, and insert in and out. The mic input
level is nominally -50dBu. Insert points are +4dBu balanced in and out. All
signals are analog mono.
Pin 25 – Mic A In SH
Pin 24 – Mic A In HI
Pin 12 – Mic A In LO
Pin 11 – Mic B In SH
Pin 10 – Mic B In HI
Pin 23 – Mic B In LO
Pin 16 – Insert Out SH
Pin 15 – Insert Out HI
Pin 3 – Insert Out LO
Pin 2 – Insert In SH
Pin 1 – Insert In HI
Pin 14 – Insert In LO
Note the insert points are normally bypassed by PCB-mounted slide
switch SW8 (see page 2-3). Regardless of this switch setting, the Insert Out
pins may be used as a channel direct output if desired.
Control Connections (lower DB-25)
These include remote on and off, cough, talkback and tally functions.
Note each function is available twice, for both A and B source ports,
allowing it to follow the module's A/B mic selector switch.
Typical DB-25