I N S T A L L A T I O N a n d P O W E R
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A-5000 / Nov 98
Note each power supply is fitted with a 3-wire grounded AC cord
that should be plugged into a "clean" AC power source. That is, an AC
source that feeds only the control room audio gear. This source should
be a separate feed from those powering lighting, air-conditioning, or
any other non-audio machinery. The third pin ground wire of the AC
source should be tied to the central system ground point. Note that while
the AC power cord ground wire terminates at the power supply chassis,
it does NOT connect to the A-5000 console common; the console itself
must be grounded separately. (See previous section,"System Ground".)
Failsafe Dual Redundant Supply
Wheatstone failsafe power supply systems use two SPS-180 power
supplies for each piece of powered equipment. Though either is
capable of running a full load on its own, in failsafe operation both units
run in tandem: if one fails, the other takes over, assuring uninterrupted
In order for failsafe systems to perform as designed, always have
BOTH supplies powered up and connected to their associated equip-
Assuming the A-5000 console mainframe is properly placed and
grounded, and its PSR power supply correctly rackmounted and
connected to the console, you may now energize the PSR rackmount
power supply by plugging it into the AC mains. The console's VU
meters will illuminate and individual module switches will assume
factory default settings.
Note: To de-energize the console, unplug the rackmount power
supply’s AC cord from the AC mains. Never de-energize the console
by disconnecting the cable that connects the console and power
supply together.
Once you have verified proper power-up, unplug the rackmount power
Once you have verified proper power-up, unplug the rackmount power
Once you have verified proper power-up, unplug the rackmount power
Once you have verified proper power-up, unplug the rackmount power
Once you have verified proper power-up, unplug the rackmount power
supplies to de-energize the console. You may now proceed to wire up
supplies to de-energize the console. You may now proceed to wire up
supplies to de-energize the console. You may now proceed to wire up
supplies to de-energize the console. You may now proceed to wire up
supplies to de-energize the console. You may now proceed to wire up
audio and control connections.
audio and control connections.
audio and control connections.
audio and control connections.
audio and control connections.
A-5000 / June 03
The power feed recom-
mended in the text is of-
ten installed and referred
to in studios as an “iso-
lated AC ground” outlet.
It is usually orange in