I N S T A L L A T I O N a n d P O W E R
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A-5000 / Nov 98
Installation and Power
Countertop Mounting
The A-5000 audio console is designed for countertop drop-in
mounting. Console placement should avoid proximity to any electro-
magnetic fields, such as large power transformers, motors, and fluores-
cent lighting fixtures. The required cut-out width is determined by the
actual number of mainframe positions. The formula is:
(console positions X 1.508”) + 1.375” = cut-out width
Example: (32 x 1.508) = 48.256, and 48.256 + 1.375 = 49.631.
Rounding this off we arrive at 49 5/8” for a cut-out width.
Cut-out front-to-back dimension is always 18 5/8”. The front of the
console will extend approximately one inch forward of the cut-out. The
console’s wooden sidepieces will extend about 7/8” on either side of
the cut-out width.
Note the two module extractor tools (black thumbwheel screws)
mounted in the front surface of console’s lower mainframe pan (just
above and to the left of the righthand headphone jack). These must be
removed before lowering the console into its cutout!
Once in place the console mainframe pan will extend approxi-
mately 5 1/2 inches below the countertop surface. Note the hinged
meterbridge will require 8 1/2” above the countertop surface to open
freely. When fully open the meterbridge will extend 5 1/2” behind the
rear line of the cut-out. When closed, the meterbridge will extend
2 1/2” behind this rear cut-out line and 6 1/4” above the countertop
Do not connect the A-5000 console to its power supply (and do not
connect the power supply to the AC power line) until instructed to do
System Ground
The first step is to ground the console.
Note that as supplied from the factory, console rackmount power
supply common, audio ground, and the A-5000 mainframe are con-
nected together at the console, but are NOT connected to electrical
ground and the chassis of the power supply. Safety requirements
dictate that a positive connection from the console mainframe to