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Configure below described entries in the section Dynamic routing of the menu:
Configure the below described parameters for all Routers 1, 2 and 3
● Type:
Select “RIP”
● Simple password:
Free text
If there are several Routers with activated RIP but only the Routers 1, 2 and 3
should exchange their routing tables, then you have to use the same password for
each Router.
● Active interface:
Activate the checkbox if the Router shall send the routing table to the
port (to
other Routers)
● Type:
Select “RIP”
● Simple password:
see explanation above
● Active interface:
Activate the checkbox if the Router shall send the routing table
to the
port (to other Routers)
You should always use the same value for “Type” on both ports (LAN and WAN). For example if you leave
Type=disabled on LAN port and you activate only the parameters Type=RIP and Active interface=set on WAN port, then
the Router will
announce (outgoing WAN port) the configured network connected to its LAN port.
The checkbox “Redistribute static routes” can be left blank because we don’t use static routes. As log level you can
chose how detailed information about RIP will be shown in the menu Eventlog.
►Click button “Apply settings” to activate the new settings.
Figure A5-2
: Configured dynamic IP routing