GRANUDOS Touch, control unit
Index: 02
Date modified: 11/06/2019
OI No.: BA SW 010-02 Granudos Touch-Steuereinheit EN SCHW 8.docx
Page 16 of 43
Main Menu
dosing performance chlorine/acid
The dosing performance menu serves for adjusting the dosing
performance to the expected consumption of chemicals in the pool.
Especially in case of lower water content, it is very important to adjust
the dosing performance.
The required dosing performance depends on several factors, e.g., the
basin volume, location, type of use and of course the frequency of use
by pool visitors.
Explanation of setting parameters
Dosing time of chlorine granulate adjustable from 1-15 seconds
Dosing time of acid in seconds adjustable from 1-8 seconds
The use of sulphuric acid is generally possible up to a concentration of 50%. For higher
concentrations or when using other acids (e.g. hydrochloric acid, dissolved sodium
bisulphate, etc.), the changed dosing performance and/or increased corrosiveness must
be observed! We recommend to consult with the company WDT!
Length of complete dosing cycle adjustable from 30-360 seconds
Dosing time limit acid:
Dosing time monitoring for external control adjustable from 0-100 minutes
Dosing time limit chlorine
dosing time monitoring for external control adjustable from 0-100 minutes
Manual dosing off / on:
Switch between automatic and manual dosing
Explanations of the dosing process
Chlorine and acid are dosed at intervals with pauses between the dosings.
The dosing is organised in dosing cycles (time from dosing interval to dosing interval) and dosing times (dosing times for
chlorine and acid dosing motors).
A dosing cycle proceeds like this:
Chlorine dossing - 1-15 sec.
Pause - 3.5 sec.
Acid dosing - 1-8 sec.
Pause until end of cycle
This cycle runs continuously with "manual dosing".
In "Automatic" mode, the cycle will also run, but the dosing will only be activated if the control command for dosing (chlorine
or acid) is pending. If the control command hits for a pause, the corresponding dosing will be activated in the next dosing
Example for setting the dosing performance
Prerequisite: Indoor pool with a circulation capacity of 200m³/h. In accordance with DIN 19643, in indoor pools 2g of
chlorine must be added per each 1m³/h circulation capacity.
Calculation: 200m³/h x 2g chlorine = 400g/h chlorine dosing
Maximum dosing performance
= 2000g/h = 100%
That means that the dosing performance must be set to 20% for a chlorine dosing of 400g/h.
The acid dosing is initially set to the same value, i.e., at 20%.
A readjustment may be necessary during ongoing operation.
Explanation of dosing time monitoring
If the GRANUDOS is controlled by a measuring and control device, the dosing performance must be set sufficiently high so
that even large loads can be regulated without large deviations from the target value. This means that the pause times must
always be greater than the dosing times. If, however, the dosing times are longer than the pause times, there is a fault with
the measuring and control device (e.g. control relay hanging) or the dosing performance is too low (set too weak or motor
or dosing screw faulty) or the input relay on the GRANUDOS control plate hangs. The dosing time monitoring totals the
dosing times against the pause times and if the set dosing time limit is exceeded, dosing is deactivated and indicated as a fault.
Both the chlorine-control and pH-control or -dosing is monitored.