The Control Panel Sections
Kyra Manual
of the Damping control. Note that at extremely high
Darkness settings the reverb sound may disappear com-
pletely as the filter removes almost all the signal and just a
rumble may remain, assuming there was any low fre-
quency present in the original signal to start with.
As with any effect, the key to achieving a clean sound is
correct configuration and in the case of reverb, too much is
rarely a good thing. If you find the reverb is dominating the
sound or the Part appears slushy or muddy in the mix, look
to reduce the dry/wet mix and reverb time and/or in-
crease the Damping and Darkness, especially if the domi-
nation is in the higher frequency ranges.
Remember, sometimes, less is more !
The pre-delay feature can be used to give percussive
sounds some space.
Advanced users may wish to use the Part reverb
defeats and apply reverb in their DAW during the
mastering phase of their project. The defeats allow
removal of onboard effects without having to mo-
dify Patches.
control allows the reverberation effect to be
mixed in from 0% (i.e. no effect) to 100% wet.