Waldorf Kyra
Using more than one of line outputs reduces the risk too as
fewer Parts are being mixed onto a single output. As the
USB output streams are not mixed, this risk does not exist
for the USB streams.
This small risk of distortion is a design compromise to
ensure a good dynamic range is available but without
individual Parts having excessively low levels. On the other
hand, Kyra seeks to avoid excessive compression. As a
result, it is essential to manage levels as described above
to avoid distortion occurring.
Missing Notes
There are several reasons why notes may appear to be
missing when you play back a song:
The envelope of the sound is such that the note is re-
leased before it can be heard. In other words, the note
is too short to be heard for the configured envelope.
The note is cut off by a repeat of the same note at a
lower velocity. This is the most common cause of per-
ceived missing notes.
A modulator is modifying some parameter that reduces
the level of the note.
The note off event was received before the note on
event. This can happen unexpectedly – in particular, if
you use a step editor to create a sequence of the same
note and quantize the notes back to back, sequencers
occasionally will send the MIDI note on event of one
note before the note off event of the previous one. As
Kyra can only play one instance of a note on a given
Part, this will result in the note not being heard. To fix
this, shorten the event so there is a definite gap
between the end of the note and the start of the next
‘hit’ of the same note.
Two notes are playing with opposite or near-opposite
phase. If two notes play such that their phases are op-
posite, they will sound much quieter or not sound at
all. This can happen when identical notes are played
(on different Parts) with hard quantization. To fix this,
add slight randomization to the start times. Detuning
or using a different sound is another strategy. This
problem can also occur with Dual Mode sounds.
Kyra is running out of voices on a Part. Kyra can sound
up to 32 notes per Part – if this is exceeded, the oldest
note sounding will be cut off to play the latest one re-
quested. There’s also an overall limit of 128 for all the
Parts; if this is exceeded, new note requests will be ig-
nored. You’re unlikely to hit these limits but be aware
of it. Remember that Dual Mode and Dual Filter Pat-
ches use two voice channels per note played.