The Control Panel Sections
Kyra Manual
EG Controls in the Filters Section
EG2 is designed to provide filter modulation and has a
dedicated set of controls. Despite being intended for filter
modulation, you can use EG2 as a general purpose modula-
tion source just like the other EGs.
The Attack setting determines the attack rate for EG2. This
is amount of time it takes for the EG output to go from zero
to maximum level.
The Decay setting determines the decay rate for the EG2.
This is the amount of time it takes for the EG output to
drop from maximum level to reach the sustain
The Sustain setting determines the sustain level of EG2.
This level is held so long as the note is held, unless a non-
zero slope value is set.
The Release setting determines the release rate for EG2.
This is the amount of time it takes for the EG output to go
from the sustain level to zero after the note is released.
Envelope Generator Pages
You can navigate to the page for any of the three EGs using
EG Select
buttons, as described above. If Follow Mode
is engaged, changing any EG control will switch to the
relevant EG page.
All the EG pages are the same with the single exception
EG1 doesn’t offer the Bass Delay feature. The descriptions
below otherwise relate to all three EGs.