Product manual | Version: 2.2.0
16DO FLD PN DC 24V 2.0A
An upper limit of 16 A applies to the total current in a supply cable. If this upper limit is ex-
ceeded, there is a risk of destruction of or damage to the module. To avoid this, protect
each supply line with a fuse or circuit breaker. In connection with this, also read section
Requirements on the Power Supply [
Also observe the derating, i.e. the maximum current as a function of the ambient temper-
The following partial currents contribute to the total current in supply cable 1:
1. The I
current for powering the device’s internal electronics (the device is powered
via supply cable 1)
2. The I
currents for powering the connected devices, sensors and actuators (for
each port i)
3. The I
current that flows through the PWR OUT (X32) supply voltage output to
other connected devices (current feedthrough)
The following partial currents contribute to the total current in supply cable 2:
1. The I
currents for powering the connected devices, sensors and actuators (for
each port i)
2. The I
current that flows through PWR OUT (X32) the supply voltage output to
other connected devices
The following rule applies to both supply cables:
Rule 2 – current feedthrough limiting
The supply voltage for the devices of a supply cable that are connected to the PWR OUT
output supply connection is passed on through the device via the input supply connec-
tion. The maximum permissible current feedthrough for the respective supply cable is de-
termined by the current load capacity of the pluggable connector on the input supply con-
nection and the PCB. This is max. 16 A. The total current must not exceed this current
load capacity.
Note the following:
1. When using digital outputs, the current feedthrough must be reduced by the current
that flows through these outputs, for example.
2. In the worst case, the permissible current feedthrough may reach a value of
0 A
3. The passthrough connection between the supply voltage input and output has
no in-
ternal protective device
against overcurrent!
Therefore, the safety measures given in
Requirements on the Power Supply [
(fuse protection, regulated power supply with current limitation and additional monitoring
of the measured values of the sensors) are necessary.
Rule 3: Ports X01, X02 etc.
The following rules apply to each port of the product individually:
Rule 3 – Upper limits for current on the individual pins of the ports
The following upper limits apply to the currents on the pins of the individual ports:
Table 24: Upper Limits for Current on the Individual Pins of the Connections
Normal Operation
Overload Operation
4 A
4 A
2 A
2.4 A
4 A
4 A