4.1.4 Password setup
The password setup interface is as follows:
Figure 4
9 Password setup interface
Modifying method: enter into the new password twice in “New password” and “Confirm”.
Then press OK button to save the setup and exit; press
button to retain the original
setup and exit. If the two newly-entered passwords are different, the system will reject the new
password and retain the original password setup.
The users of each level may change passwords of the same and lower
levels. For example, the system administrator may change its password and the
passwords of all watchmen. However, the system administrator is not allowed to
change the password of the system debugger. This is to ensure there is a solution in
case of personnel turnover or lost password.
The system will identify the current operator by the password
entered and record all the operations. The record may be used as the basis of
responsibility tracing in case of accidents. Therefore, users of each level
must keep the passwords in confidence and from leaking.
Initial password for the system administrator is “111111”. The
10 groups of initial passwords for watchmen are “0000”, “1111” … “9999”. After
system delivery, please change these passwords into those easy to memorize by
yourself and hard to guess by others. The system administrator is responsible for
assigning passwords for the watchmen, which shall differ from each other, to
facilitate the identification.
4.1.5 Indicating panel setup
The indicating panel is the terminal display unit of the fire alarm control system. It is divided
into two types: 485 bus-indicating panel and detector-indicating panel.
485 bus of the system can be used to manage 30 indicating panel equipment at most. The
bus-indicating panel can also be connected on the detector bus; however, it is required to
occupy the bus address.
The 485-bus indicating panel setup panel is as follows; refer to instructions on detector
module setup for indicating panel setup of detector bus: