13: Configuring an Ethernet interface
© Virtual Access 2017
GW7304 Series User Manual
Issue: 1.9
Page 102 of 336
Web: Interface
UCI: network.<if name>.ifname
Opt: ifname
Physical interface to assign the logical interface to. If mapping
multiple interfaces for bridging the interface names are separated
by a space when using UCI and package options.
Example: option ifname ‘eth2 eth3’ or network.<if
name>.ifname=eth2 eth 3
Table 23: Information table for physical settings page
Loopback interfaces
Loopback interfaces are defined in exactly the same way as ethernet interfaces. Please
see section above.
Note: There is no software limitation as to how many loopback interfaces can exist on
the router.
Common configuration: firewall settings
Use this section to select the firewall zone you want to assign to this interface.
Select unspecified to remove the interface from the associated zone or fill out the
create field to define a new zone and attach the interface to it.
Figure 57: GRE firewall settings
Interface overview: IP-aliases
IP aliasing is associating more than one IP address to a network interface. You can
assign multiple aliases.
IP-alias packages