6.5 - Security Configuration
Note: To set parameter via the terminal, please tap Touch screen Main Menu
System Settings
User Permission Managenment
6.5.1 - User Configuration
Go to Config
Add user:
1 - Click “Add” button to pop up the following textbox.
2 - Input user name in “User Name” textbox.
3 - Input letters or numbers in “Password” and “Confirm Password” textbox.
It is recommended to set a high level password that shall be composed of numbers, special characters, upper or lower case letters for your account se
curity. Max length 15 characters.
4 - Choose the use type.
Administrator has all permissions. Normal user can only view the live video. Advanced user has the same permissions as an Administrator except for; user,
backup settings, factory reset, and upgrading the firmware.
5 - Input the MAC address of the PC in “Binding MAC address” textbox.
After binding physical address to the device, you can access the device on this PC only. If the MAC address was “00:00:00:00:00:00” which means it can
be connected to any computers.
6 - Click “OK” button and then the new added user will display in the user list.
Modify user:
1 - Select the user you need to modify password and physical address in the user configuration list box.
2 - The “Edit user” dialog box pops up by clicking “Modify” button.