received. The counter can be viewed by opening
the list of alerts in the switchboard. The sending of
messages never terminates. It continues until the end
of the service described in the next point, unless the
switchboard is powered off or removed from the sys
tem, in which case the indoor station, after 5 unsuc-
cessful attempts starting from the first timeout of 120
s, will return to standby mode and the Alert signal is no
longer sent to the user.
6. If the switchboard operator calls the indoor station
from the list of warnings, and only from this, a mes-
sage is sent to the indoor station via the Due Fili bus
to end the Alert procedure so the related signal is no
longer sent to the user.
Note: if the indoor station is switched off, when it is
switched back on again the function starts again from
the beginning.
Alert Configuration
Use SaveProg to select some of the characteristics of
the Alert function:
1. Enabling
a. Disabled (default)
b. Enabled
2. Polarity state active
a. Contact normally open (default)
b. Contact normally closed
3. Activation delay
a. 0.1 s (default)
b. 0.5 s
c. 1 s
d. 2 s
4. Signalling mode
a. None
b. LED associated to the
Stair Light
key (default)
c. Sound
d. Call Rep. controlling the Call Repeater output of
the indoor station (terminal 6S).
According to the selected signalling type, apart from the
first, the timer is as follows:
- The indoor station waits to receive the alert from the
- LED: Flashing with a cycle of 0.5 s on / 0.5 s off
- Sound: A 2 KHz tone for 0.2 s
- Call Rep.: Activation with a cycle of 1.6 s on / 1.6 s off
- The indoor station has received confirmation of the
receipt of the message from the switchboard:
- LED: Flashing with a cycle of 0.1 s on / 0.1 s off
- Sound: A 1 KHz tone for 0.1 s
- Call Rep.: Activation with a cycle of 0.4 s on / 0.4 s off
: if the Signalling is set to
Call Rep.
Alert is enabled, or buttons have been configured for the
Alert function, then the Call Rep. function of the Indoor
Station no longer works as repetition for any type of call.
Calls from an entrance panel, intercom calls and landing
calls are differentiated by means of different tones.
Entrance panel call
Calls from entrance panels do not correspond to the
pressing of the call button but are generated internally in
the entryphone. The call interval is 1 second of ringtone
and 2 seconds of pause repeated twice (default value
set on panel). To answer, lift the handset. If the handset
is already lifted during the call, replace and lift it again.
The call answer time (30 s) and the conversation time
(2 minutes by default) are set in the panel parameters.
When the conversation time has elapsed, the user can
continue without replacing the handset if a new call is
made within 10 s from the same panel.
Intercom call
Lift the entryphone handset and press the intercom but-
ton for the entryphone/video entryphone to be called. On
the calling entryphone handset, a call tone will ring (if the
call is enabled) or an engaged tone (if not enabled). On
the called entryphone, the ringtone will start with a cycle
of 1 second ringing followed by a 4 second pause. The
maximum duration of the call is 30 seconds (6 cycles).
To answer the call, simply lift the handset; the maximum
duration of the conversation is 5 minutes. When the
conversation time has elapsed, the user can continue
without replacing the handset if a new call is made within
10 s. A call from an entrance panel has priority over an
intercom call.
Missed call from switchboard (enabled
from SaveProg).
If the function is enabled via SaveProg, the red “Ringtone
mute” LED signals when there is no answer to a call re-
ceived from a concierge switchboard.
This signal stops whenever a task is performed: answer-
ing a call, making a call or self-starting.
Ringtone mute (User away)
Standard function for entryphone 6209/D. For entry-
phone 6209/P this is only possible by installing acces-
sory 6153/682.
Designed to vary the call volume or to mute the ringtone
sound. When the ringtone mute is on the red LED is per
manently lit. If calls are made from an outdoor station
to the entryphone when the ringtone mute is enabled,
they are denied. On the entrance panel, a denied call is
indicated by means of a dissuasion tone. The message
“Do not disturb” or “Away” also appears on entrance
panels with display.
Lock button
On every device, the lock button functions as described
- Device with handset in rest position
door lock
function directed to the entrance panel it was last in
communication with or from which the call was made.
- Device with handset lifted, but no conversation in prog-
call to switchboard if the switchboard flag is
set to YES. Otherwise the first case applies.
- Device with handset lifted and intercom conversation in
as in the first case.
- Device with handset lifted and intercom conversation or
call from entrance panel in progress
door lock
function directed to the entrance panel with which the
device is in communication or from which the call was
In practice, the button always operates the lock release
except when you lift the handset and immediately press
the lock button. This too can be set as the standard case
if there is no switchboard in the system and the switch-
board flag is set to NO.
6. Release the push button to restore to its default value,
then press it again.
Deleting all settings
This process is recommended when you want to
change the ID of a previously programmed entry-
phone and you do not want to retain the operating
programming of the device.
Programming phase (Simplified)
1. Lift the handset and bring it to your ear.
2. Press and hold down the lock push button “
” for 6
3. When the time runs out the indoor station will emit a
“beep” in the handset (0.5 s).
4. Continue to hold down the door lock push button
5. After 2 s more the indoor station emits two “beeps” set
apart (duration 0.5 s with a space in between).
6. Continue holding down the lock push button “
7. After 2 s more the indoor station emits a continuous
tone for 5 s
8. Release the lock push button “
9. While the indoor station is still emitting a continuous
tone, press the lock push button “
10. When you release the lock button “
” then press it
again, three “beeps” will be emitted.
Programming phase (Standard):
1. Remove the entryphone cover.
2. Press and hold down the RESET push button on the
3. Press and hold down push button P1 together with the
RESET push button.
4. Release the RESET push button, holding down push
button P1.
5. After 2 seconds the entryphone emits a continuous
tone for two seconds.
6. Release push button P1.
7. During the continuous tone, press the tab on the lock
push button.
If the deletion procedure is successful, when the lock
release tab is pressed the entryphone will emit a triple
Together with concierge switchboard 40510, the indoor
station creates a system that can send a signal to the
switchboard operator even when the Due Fili bus is busy.
The pair of terminals 4-6P (landing call) can be used as
input. In this case the local landing call function is lost.
Alternatively, you can configure one or more buttons,
among the eight programmable entryphone buttons
The operating mode is selected using SaveProg.
1. Enable the “Alert” function. See below for the descrip-
tion of the activation possibilities.
2. The indoor station waits to receive the alert from the
switchboard. In the meantime, the chosen signalling
is sent to the user according to the table below. On
receipt of the message, the switchboard emits a dou-
ble beep and displays a red envelope icon to alert the
3. If it does not receive a reply, the indoor station re
sends the message every 10 s. After 5 attempts with
no reply the indoor station stops sending the messag-
4. When an indoor station receives confirmation of the
receipt of the message by the switchboard, the cho-
sen signalling is sent to the user according to the table
below. Normally the time between the sending of the
request and confirmation of reception is less than a
5. Until the switchboard calls the indoor station to ser-
vice the request, the indoor station resends the mes-
sage every 120 s. At each message, the switchboard
emits two meets and increases count of messages
6209/P - 6209/D