Bromine Level: 3.0 to 6.0 PPM (parts per million)
Super Sanitation or Spa Shock
Normal sanitation does not eliminate non-filterable wastes,
such as perspiration, oils, hair sprays, etc., which will build up
in the water. These substances make the water unattractive in
appearance, odor, and can interfere with sanitizer effectiveness.
Super sanitation is achieved by “shocking” the spa water with a
non-Chlorine shock (Potassium Peroxymonosulfate), granular
Chlorine (Dichlor), or granular Bromine (Bromine concentrate).
Super Sanitize the water once a week by adding one
of the following:
Granular Chlorine 2 teaspoons (10ml) of per 200 gallons
(909.2l) of water
Granular Bromine 4 teaspoons (20ml) of per 200 gallons
(909.2l) of water
Non-Chlorine Shock 5 teaspoons (25ml) of per 200 gallons
(909.2l) of water
Super Sanitation may be required more than once
per week for heavy usage. With ozone, it may not be necessary
to shock the water on a weekly basis, contact your authorized
Villeroy & Boch dealer for more information.
Total Alkalinity (TA):
Total alkalinity (TA) is the
quantitative measure ment of alkaline components (carbonates
and bicarbonates) present in water to act as a buffer against rapid
pH changes. Proper total alkalinity levels are important to ensure
optimal chemical balance in spas. Low TA can cause pH to be
unstable. To correct low TA, add a Total Alkalinity Increaser.
High TA can cause the water to be scale forming, cloudy and
corrosive to the spa and its components, as well as other pH
related problems. If the spa water has high TA, contact your
authorized Villeroy & Boch dealer.
Calcium Hardness (CH):
Calcium Hardness (CH) is the
measure of dissolved calcium in the water. Low CH (soft water)
can stain the spa surface as well as cause corrosion to the spa
and its equipment. To correct low CH, add a Calcium Hardness
Increaser. High CH (hard water) can cause cloudy water as well
as rough scale build-up on the spa surface and equipment. If the
spa water has high CH, contact your authorized Villeroy & Boch
Stain and Scale Control:
Stain and scale problems are
common in hot water environments. To help prevent and control
staining and scaling, use a Stain and Scale Inhibitor per the
manufacturer’s instructions. Add Stain and Scale Inhibitor 3-4
days after Super Sanitation.
Foam Control:
Spa water that is polluted with body oils,
lotions and soap residue combined with high water temperatures
can cause excessive foaming on the water’s surface. For a
temporary fix add a Foam Remover as per the manufacturer’s
instructions. The best way to control foam is to super chlorinate
the water; this will destroy the soap agents that normal levels of
sanitizer will not. Add 2 tablespoons (20 ml) per 100 gallons (
454.6 l).
Cloudy Water Prevention and Control:
There are two
basic reasons that spa water becomes cloudy. First, non-filterable
liquid waste (e.g. perspiration) has contaminated the water. To
remove these substances, Super Sanitize the water. Second, non-
filterable micro-particulate waste (e.g. dust) has contaminated the
water. To remove these substances use a Water Clarifier as per the
manufacturer’s instructions.
Water Chemistry
Prior to each spa use, check the water. If the water appears cloudy,
off color, has significant surface foam, or smells of excessive
chlorine/bromine, the water needs to be treated or drained. Using
the spa in these conditions could result in a skin rash or other
For assistance in handling spa water chemistry, contact your
authorized Villeroy & Boch dealer or another service center
capable of performing a computerized water analysis.
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