The following information is required:
■ Serial no. (see type plate)
■ Position number of the part from this
parts list
Standard parts are available from your
local supplier.
Refrigerant circuit, type BW 2180
0002 Compressor Scroll Orbit 8
GSD80385 VAB 431
0007 Evaporator GBS1000H-AE-232
0012 Condenser GBH900H-270
0014 Oil compensation line
0015 Sight glass, brazed version 1 ⅛"
0016 Rotalock brazing adaptor straight
1 ¾"-12UNF x 1⅛"
0017 High pressure sensor PT5-50T
0018 Low pressure sensor PT5-18T
0020 Filter dryer assembly BW 2180
0024 Dryer spring U-bolt 3" 14208-S
0027 Assembly BW 2150/2180 elec-
tronic expansion valve
0030 Suction line assembly on evapo-
0032 Hot gas line assembly BW 2150
0034 Safety high pressure switch
0035 Temperature sensor Pt500
0036 Sensor mount sealed
0037 Spring clip
0038 Emergency set, Schrader tee
Casing, type BW 2180
0039 Door hinges
0040 Mono-block corners with edge
0041 Stainless steel screws (set)
0042 Sealing tape, internal frame
0043 Side panel, left
0044 Side panel, right
0045 Front door, hinged on the left
2 hinges
0046 Front door, hinged on the right
2 hinges
0047 Top panel, left
0048 Back panel, left
0053 Top panel, right
0054 Back panel, right
0055 Bottom panel
0056 Quadrant casing key
0057 Cable entry Ø 50 mm
0059 Cable entry Ø 47-68 mm
0060 Cable entry, self-adhesive
Ø 70 mm/15 mm
0061 Diaphragm grommet, secondary
DN 135
0062 Diaphragm grommet, primary DN
0063 Label, primary/secondary sym-
0064 Vitocal 300 logo, self-adhesive
Parts list, type BW 2180
Ordering parts
5772 458 GB