Pub. # OM20-MSP3-3D
The VSense Controller is mounted on the implement, and can remain on the implement due to
weatherproofing. If the implement is stored outside for long-term storage, remove control and
store it indoors.
Figure 3 MSP3-3D
Figure 4 VSense Controller
Figure 5 VSense Controller (rear)
Figure 6 VSense Controller (front)
12V Power
Power cord shipped with the unit that
connects to the vehicle’s battery
Turns power to
Controller On/Off
3A Fuse
Power Indicator
Indicates when power
to the controller is on
Optic Power
Delivers power to
Optical sensor with
cable #46222
EC Signal
Connects to EC
wire harness with
cable #49457
OM Com/GPS Input
Serial communication to PC and GPS
input with cable #49494
Depth Sensor
Connects to cable #219222