Pub. # OM20-MSP3-3D
Proper field operating speed depends on field condition. Because of the importance of consistent
contact, the unit must not be allowed to bounce over rough fields at high speeds.
Field Condition
Field should be in a uniform state. Mapping after intensive primary tillage is not recommended. The
soil must have a minimum of 20% available water, and cannot be frozen. If rocky conditions exist,
slow down and make sure rock guards are in place. Also if the field is rocky and/or muddy the
optical module will needs to be adjusted to make optimum contact with the soil, as well as
decreasing the chance for window breakage.
Swath width and Navigation
Setting the swath width and navigation system is at the discretion of the customer. A 50’-75’ (15-
23 m) swath works well in most areas. Several methods of navigation are possible: following
previous crop rows, swath guidance, or using a field navigation computer. While it is important to
map in a consistent pattern, it isn’t absolutely critical that each pass be exactly the same distance
from the previous pass.