BTRM Battery Test Remote Monitoring System – User Guide V3.2 |
2021 Ventev | LIT SKU: 09834
Configure Trap Receiver
In order to receive SNMP Traps (alert messages) you will need to setup your MIB browser
to receive them. This means you need to setup your TrapReceiver so that the BTRM knows
where to send the traps. So, in the next you will setup the TrapReceiver IP address. (You
will set this to the IP address of your laptop that you recorded earlier).
1. In the Results Table locate the line that says trapReceiverAddress.0 , right click on the
line and select “set.”
2. Enter the IP Address of your PC or Laptop in the Value field and click OK.
In order
to receive SNMP messages, the BTRM and the associated PC or Laptop must be on the
same network or be able to communicate across networks. Verify connectivity by pinging
the BTRM with your PC or laptop. If you receive a reply, you should be able to receive
SNMP messages.
3. If your entry was successful, you will see a SET succeeded window.