Quiet Period Leak Detection Test -
International Feature
The Quiet Period Leak Detection (QPLD) test is a unique
system feature in which the TLS-350R automatically per-
forms a Static Leak Detection test whenever it senses that
fuel is not being drawn from, or delivered to, a tank.
The TLS-350R enters the QPLD mode after sensing that a
tank has been inactive for one hour. A further quiet period of
four hours is required for the TLS-350R to complete the test.
On completion the results are stored in the system’s mem-
ory. If fuel is dispensed from or delivered to the tank during
the four-hour period the test is stopped and no test results
are stored.
A Quiet Period Leak Detection test requires a quiet
period of at least five hours.
At a set time on the morning following a QPLD test a Leak
Test report is printed.
On the first day of each month a Quiet Period Leak Detec-
tion test report is produced automatically.
If more than one QPLD test has been carried out during the
month, only the results from the test carried out on the larg-
est volume in the tank are printed.
If it has not been possible for the TLS-350R to carry out a
QPLD test a "No Data Available" message is printed.