Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)
Low-Current STM
MultiMode SPM Instruction Manual
Rev. B
Figure 9.5d
STM height image of alkanethiol layer on Au (111) substrate.
Scan size = 178.5nm, I
= 2pA, V
= 1V. (Courtesy of Dr. I. Tuzov, NCSU)
Figure 9.5e
Molecular-scale STM current image of alkanethiol
layer on Au (111) substrate. Scan size = 10.0nm, I
= 13pA,
= 1V. (Courtesy of Dr. I. Tuzov, NCSU)
9.5.6 Servicing the Converter
The Low-current STM Converter features sensitive components which may be damaged if exposed
to sudden voltage spikes. Spikes may be due to electrostatic discharge (ESD), or from external
voltage sources. Operators should always wear an anti-static, grounding wristband (included in
Low Current STM converter kit) while handling the head to protect against ESD.
The input op-amp is the most vulnerable component; therefore a spare is shipped with the unit. If
the op-amp is damaged, it may be replaced by doing the following:
1. Turn off the microscope. Disconnect the Low-current STM Converter head by unplugging
its cable from the support ring. Set the head on a workbench area grounded against ESD.
Ensure that an ESD wristband is being worn.