Driving and operation
Winter tyres
See page 169 for restric tions.
Winter tyres (M + S tyres) improve safety
and should therefore be fitted on all
The d esign of summ er tyres mea ns they
have limited qualities for winter driving.
If the maxim um perm issible speed for the
winter tyres is less than that of the vehicle,
a notice ind icating the ma ximum
permissible speed for the tyres must be
affixed w ithin the driver's field of vision
If you use the spare wheel when it is fitted
with a sum mer tyre: the vehic le's
driveab ility may b e affected, esp ecially on
slippery road surfaces. Obtain a
replacement for the faulty tyre as soon as
possible, and have the w heel balanced
and fitted to the vehicle.
Ensure that winter tyres are inflated to the
correct pressure spec ified by the tyre
manufac turer.
Wheel covers
If the wheel cov ers and tyres used are not
Vauxhall-app rov ed, make sure that the
tyres do not have a b eaded edge -
see p age 114.
Tyre c ha ins
See page 169 for restrictions.
Tyre chains may b e used only on the drive
wheels (front axle). They must be fitted
symm etrically on the tyre to ensure that
they are seated conc entrically.
Varies fro m country to country o n account of
national regulations .