Dropside body
Using the step
With the tailboard d ow n, sw ing the step
plate down to a horizontal position.
Stow ing:
Swing the step p la te up into the vertical
position ag ainst the mounting brac ket.
Lashing points
Pull up the lashing eyes as required.
Sec ure heav y objects w ith lashing strap s
attached to the lashing p oints. If heavy
loa ds slip when the vehicle is brak ed
heavily or driven a round a bend, the
ha ndling of the vehicle may change.
The two additional lashing p oints on the
bulkhead should also b e used to secure the
load w henever possible.
Observe the safety la bels on the bulkhead
to av oid overloading.
When loading heavy or bulk items, the
lashing point eyes m ust be flush with the
body floor, to avoid causing any
dam age.