Service, maintenance
During operation the system is pressurized.
The temp erature may therefore rise to ov er
100 °C.
The a nti-freeze provides excellent
corrosion protection for the c ooling and
heating system , as well as freez e
protection down to -28 °C.
Certain types of a nti-freeze can lea d to
engine dama ge. We therefore strongly
recom mend the use of anti-freeze that has
been app rov ed b y Vauxhall.
Freeze protection and corr osion
Before the start of the cold weather season,
ha ve the coolant checked for correc t
concentration by a workshop. The a mount
of anti-freeze must provide protection
down to approx. –28 °C. If the anti-freeze
concentration is too low, this reduces
protection from freez ing and corrosion.
Top up anti-freeze if necessary.
If coolant loss is top ped up with water,
ha ve a nti-freeze concentration checked
and more anti-freeze a dded as necessary.
Coolant level
Hard ly any losses occur since the c ooling
system is sea led a nd it is thus rarely
nec essary to top up the coola nt.
The coolant level in the expansion ta nk
should be slightly abov e the MIN mark
when the system is cold. It rises at eng ine
operating temperature and drops a gain
when the engine cools down. If the level
falls below the MIN mark, the coolant
should be replenished to slightly over the
ma rk .
Anti-freeze is a danger to health; it must
therefore be kept in the original container
and out of the rea ch of children.