Driving and operation
Manoeuvring the vehicle
To manoeuv re the vehicle back and forth
during attem pts to park or in garage
entrances, the creeping movement can be
utilized by releasing the footbrake.
Never depress the accelerator and brak e
pedals simultaneously.
In order to protect Ea sytronic at extrem ely
high clutch temp eratures, an interm ittent
audible warning may sound . In suc h cases
depress the footbrake, select "N" and
apply the handbrake allow ing the clutch to
cool down.
If a fault occurs in Easytronic , control
indica tor
will be shown in the
tra nsmission display.
You can continue driving, prov ided you
drive with care and anticipation. Consult a
work shop to have the cause of the fault
eliminated .
The system's integra l self-diagnosis facility
allow s faults to be quickly remedied.
Interr up tion of pow er supp ly
The clutch is not disengaged if the vehicle
battery is d ischarged and a gea r has been
selected. The vehicle c annot m ov e.
If the battery is fla t, sta rt the vehicle using
jump leads - see page 127.
If the cause of the interruption to the power
supply is not a d ischarged battery, consult
a work shop.