Driving and operation
Save fuel, protect the
Trend-setting technology
When dev eloping and manufac turing your
vehic le, Vauxhall used environment-
friendly and in the m ain recyc la ble
materials. The production methods used to
mak e your v ehicle are likewise
env ironmenta lly-compatible.
Recycling of production wastes keeps the
circulation of material closed. Reduction of
energy a nd water requirements a lso help s
to conserve natural resources.
A highly adv anced design mea ns that your
vehic le can be easily disassembled at the
end of its working life, and the individual
materials separated for subsequent re-use.
Materia ls such as asbestos and cadmium
are not used . The refrigerant in the air
conditioning system
is CFC-free.
New painting techniques employ water as
a solvent.
End-of-Life Vehic le recovery
For detailed information on Va uxha ll’s
on-going comm itment to achieving an
environmentally-sustainable future,
including; design for recycling, take back of
End-of-Life Vehicle’s (ELVs) and the
recycling of ELVs, view
www.va uxha ll.co.uk/recycling
for d etails.
Dr ive in an energy a nd
environment-conscious way
High fuel consumption, noise lev els and
exhaust emission are often caused b y a
driving style that is not energy and
env ironment-c onscious.
You should therefore drive with energy in
mind: "more miles with less fuel".
Reduce the noise level and exhaust
emissions b y adopting an environment-
consc ious driving style. This is extremely
worthwhile and im proves the quality of
Fuel consumption depends to a great
extent on your own personal driving style.
The follow ing hints are intended to help
you consume fuel at a rate that is as close
as possible to the specified lev els.
Check your vehic le’s fuel consum ption
every time you refuel. This facilita tes early
detection of a ny irregularities causing
increased fuel consumption.
Warm ing up
Full throttle and w arming up at idle
speed increase w ear, fuel consumption,
fuel emission, the a mount of pollutant in
the exhaust a nd the am ount of noise.
Driv e off imm ediately after starting.
Wa rm up the engine b y running it at
moderate eng ine speeds.
Uniform speed
Hectic driving significantly increases fuel
consumption, the quantity of emission
and the p roportion of polluta nt in the
Do not accelerate a nd brake
unnecessarily. Drive at uniform speed.
Avoid freq uent starting-off and stopping
e.g . at traffic lights, in short distance
tra ffic and in queues of traffic by m eans
of clever planning . Select road s w ith
good traffic flow .
The eng ine also consumes fuel when
idling .
If you have to wait for more than one
minute, it is worthwhile switching off the
engine. Fiv e m inutes of idling
corresponds to ap prox. 0.6 miles (1 km )
of driving.