Driving and operation
Handb rake
Always apply the ha ndb rake firmly without
pressing the release button. App ly as fully
as possible on uphill or downhill inclines.
The m echanical handbrake acts on the
brakes on the rea r wheels. It engag es
automatically when applied.
To relea se the handb ra ke, pull the lev er up
slig htly, press the release button, fully lower
and release.
Control ind icator
for brake system
Control ind icator
illuminates in red when
ignition is switc hed on if handbrake is
applied and/or fluid lev el for brake system
is too low. Brake fluid level - see page 156.
Anti-lock Brake System (ABS)
ABS continuously monitors the v ehicle's
brak e system and prev ents the wheels from
locking, irresp ective of the road condition
and tyre grip.
It starts to regulate the braking pressure as
soon a s a wheel shows a tendency to lock.
The vehicle rema ins steerable, even in the
event of very heavy braking, e.g. on bends
or when swerving to avoid an obstac le.
Even in the case of full-on brak ing , the ABS
ma kes it possible to drive round an
obstacle without releasing the brak es.
ABS control is mad e ap parent throug h a
pulse in the brake pedal and the noise of
the regulation process.
If the control indicator illuminates when
the handb ra ke is not applied: stop
vehicle; interrupt your journey
immediately and consult a workshop.
For op tim um brak ing, keep the footbrak e
fully depressed throughout the b ra king
process, despite the fact that the pedal is
pulsating. Do not reduce the pressure on
the pedal.
Do not let this special safety feature
tempt you into ta king risk s w hen driving.
Tra ffic safety can only b e ac hieved by
adopting a responsible d riv ing style.