Self-help, vehicle care
1. Remove wheel cover, slacken the wheel
bolts with the ratchet and a dapter. The
ra tc het should turn anticlockwise to
slacken the b olts - invert the ratchet if
2. To ra ise vehicle, plac e lifting pad spigot
of the jack under the jack ing hole
loca ted nearest the wheel c oncerned.
3. Install adapter onto the jack and raise
the vehicle by turning the ratchet until
the wheel is c lear of the ground.
4. Remove wheel bolts and replac e wheel.
5. Refit wheel bolts and low er vehicle.
6. Tighten wheel bolts in criss-cross
sequence (see illustra tion S 11799) and
refit wheel cover.
7. Stow the wheel, jacking equipment a nd
warning tria ngle
Have the new wheel balanced on the
vehicle a nd have the torq ue of the wheel
bolts checked as soon as possib le.
Tightening torq ue - see page 169.
Have defective tyre repaired and
balanced .