Driving and operation
As the vehic le slowly gets close to an ob ject
while reversing, a n intermittent acoustic
signa l is aud ible in the passenger
The interv al between the signals becomes
shorter as the distance is reduced. If the
distance is less than 25 c m, a continuous
signa l is aud ible.
The system registers the d istance by means
of sensors on the rear bumper.
To ensure that the sensors function
correctly and that the information
provided is accurate, they must b e
undamaged and free of dirt, snow and ice.
There will be a continuous acoustic alarm
for 5 seconds when selecting reverse gear if
the system detects an operating fault.
It is possible to permanently or temporarily
deactiv ate the system.
Tem porary deactivation
With the ignition on and reverse gear
selected, press button
on instrument
panel. System is temporarily d eactiva ted.
When reverse gea r is selected, no acoustic
signal will sound indicating deactivation.
The func tion is switched on ag ain by
pressing button
aga in or the next time
the ignition is switched on.
Permanent deac tiva tion
With the ignition on and rev erse gear
selected, press and hold button
instrument panel for ap prox. 3 seconds.
The system is dea ctivated and will not
operate. When reverse gear is selected, no
acoustic sig nal will sound.
To reactivate perma nent dea ctiv ation:
Press again and hold button
for three
seconds. The next tim e reverse gear is
selected, the pa rk ing distance sensors will
Should the p arking distance sensors fail to
operate, consult a workshop.
If towing equipment is required for your
vehicle w e recommend conta cting your
Vauxhall Authorised Repairer.
Und er certain circum stances, various
reflective surfaces on objects or clothing
as w ell as external noise sourc es may
cause the system to fail to detect
ob stacles. For this reason, care must be
ta ken when reversing, even if the parking
distance sensors are operational. This is
of p artic ular im porta nce when in the
vicinity of ped estria ns.
When reversing the area should be free
from obstacles which could impact on the
underside of the vehicle.
Impact to the rear axle which m ay not be
visib le, c ould lead to uncharacteristic
chang es in the v ehicle ha ndling.
In the event of such an impa ct consult a