CP-3800 GC Operator’s Manual
The 3800 can accommodate up to three installed detectors and have all
three running simultaneously. The standard detectors available on the 3800
are the Flame Ionization Detector (FID), Thermal Conductivity Detector
(TCD), Electron Capture Detector (ECD), Thermionic Specific Detector
(TSD), and Pulsed Flame Photometric Detector (PFPD). Except for the TCD
and PFPD any combination of three detectors can be installed. In the case
of the PFPD, only two may be installed but any one additional detector may
also be installed including a TCD. In the case of the standard TCD, only two
can be installed and then no additional detectors can be installed. However,
a dual TCD option is available as a custom solution which allows installation
of an additional ionization detector. The dual TCD consists of two detector
cells in one housing.
Detectors are mounted on the top of the 3800, above the left side of the
column oven. The position of the detector, however, is determined by the
location of the detector’s electrometer in the electronics cabinet. Detector
electrometers are installed on the left side of the GC accessed by removing
the left side panel. All cables connecting the electrometers to the detectors
are accessible by removing the two covers on the top left of the 3800, i.e.,
the detector top cover and the cover over the keyboard/display.
Flame Ionization Detector
The following instructions refer to the installation and operation of a 3800
Flame Ionization Detector (FID). The FID is installed on a detector base,
directly above the column oven. The FID electrometer is installed in the
electronics cabinet on the left of the instrument. The electronics of the FID
are controlled from the 3800 keyboard, the gas flows are set and controlled
either from the 3800 keyboard (if detector EFC is installed) or at the
pneumatics panel.
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