Corrective measures for the scanning failure with large volume originals.
Scanning may fail with large volume original if initiated from the PC. - Therefore, this is corrected.
Corrective measures for the image failure when outputting from a certain CAD software.
White streaks image may be output when printing from certain CAD software. - Therefore, this is corrected.
Corrective measures for the F186 error after power-up.
F186 error may appear when outputting received FAX after power-up. - Therefore, this is corrected.
Corrective measures for the F515 error.
F515 error may appear when [Start] button is pressed just after feeding A3 originals to the DP with 4in1 multiple pages per sheet set
and A5 size selection. - Therefore, this is corrected.
(The above occurs with non-conformance depending on the timing to recognize the original size.)
Corrective measures for the F214 error when pressing [Cancel] button.
If [Cancel] button is pressed during image scanning, the machine may lock up with “Cancelling” display and later the F214 error may
appear. - Therefore, this is corrected.
Corrective measures for the F486 error.
F486 error may appear after image scanning when [Start] button is pressed to send A3 original in ACS in 600dpi for TIFF with Bleed-
through prevention ON and Top edge on Top original orientation set. - Therefore, this is corrected.
Corrective measures for the failure of printing mail received from the Exchange Server 2007.
Mail received from the Exchange Server 2007may not be printed. - Therefore, this is corrected.
Corrective measures for the LF error with a user system.
LF code is ignored and a new line is not started when printing via network with SMB protocol in a user’s system. - Therefore, this is
Corrective measures for the F000 error during the Command Center operation.
The operation panel of the main machine may lock up while operating the Command Center and the F000 error may appear. - Therefore,
this is corrected.
Magnification display correction.
126% of the magnification appears on the copy image display with 216mm x 340mm original, output to Ledger size and AMS set while it is
actually 127%. - Therefore, this is corrected.
Corrective measures for the F040 error.
The F040 error may appear when entering sleep mode. - Therefore, this is corrected.
Corrective measures for the lock-up after recovery from sleep mode.
copy display remains at "Please wait" when setting B4 size on the DP after recovery from sleep mode. - Therefore, this is corrected.
Corrective measures for the failure with the local authentication enabled.
login user name appears on the user name column in the status display when sending NW-FAX with the local authentication enabled.
Therefore, this is corrected.
Corrective measures for the image dropout with a certain file in Landscape output.
image may dropout whe printing a certain file in Landscape via the KPDL mini driver. - Therefore, this is corrected.
Corrective measures for the Memory LED continuing blink after printing a file from a USB memory.
Memory LED may continue blink after printing a file from a USB memory. - Therefore, this is corrected.
Corrective measures for the failure with the U066(Table Timing).
No more operation is available if cancelling the continuous scan in the U066 (Table Timing) by pressing [Cancel] button. - Therefore, this
is corrected.
Corrective measures for the failure with print from the AS-400.
Characters may be replaced with other characters in the print that is sent from the AS-400. - Therefore, this is corrected.
Corrective measures for the lock-up with a certain file.
machine locks up with the ”Processing” display when printing a certain file. - Therefore, this is corrected.
Corrective measures for the IB-50 received data buffer overflow.
machine may lock up if the IB-50 received data buffer is overflowed. - Therefore, this is corrected.
Corrective measures for the F246 error after changing the IB-50 settings.
F246 error may appear with the discrepancy in the port and device after changing the IB-50 settings and restarting the system.
Therefore, this is corrected.
Corrective measures for the F24B error after installing the IB-50 and starting up the system.
F24B (Process Down) error may appear after installing the IB-50 and starting up the system. - Therefore, this is corrected.
Corrective measures for the offline issue when outputting from the driver after installing the IB-50.
The system may be offline when outputting from the driver after installing the IB-50. - Therefore, this is corrected.
Corrective measures for the streaks in the image when outputting from the PCL mini driver.
Streaks may appear in the image when outputting in the reduction mode from the PCL minidriver. - Therefore, this is corrected.
Corrective measures for the error code appearing when failing the SMTP authentication.
error code in the operation panel and the one in the Command Center are different when failing the SMTP authentication.
Therefore, this is corrected.
Содержание CD 5025