Revision: 1.00
Copyright 2015 U.S. Robotics Corporation
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P a g e
Priority Order Between Remote Login, DMZ, and Port Forwarding Rules
An internal routing table gives priority for different routing rules like remote login, DMZ, and port
forwarding rules.
By default, the DMZ and remote login are not active, and the Gateway rejects all external IP traffic
wanting access to the unit. This is also the reason why the WAN -> Local default policy is set to
firewall rules
In this case, the routing table looks like:
Reject everything
Remote Login Enabled
If remote login is enabled
, you make a hole in this firewall at port 443. (Even when you do not enter
“443” in the port list!)
In this case, the routing table looks like:
Port 443 is open for HTTPS
Reject everything
TIP These two lines are always at the bottom of the routing table.
If you add port 1800 in the remote login port field, both port 443 and port 1800 will be open.
In this case, the routing table looks like:
Port 1800 is open for HTTPS
Port 443 is open for HTTPS
The first line of this table has the highest priority.
The 3G interface has additional reset options: When connection persistence detects the 3G
interface is not connected to its appropriate service the interface will initially get a soft reset as all
the other interfaces can get but if this is unsuccessful the 3G interface will be rebooted without
having to rebooting the Gateway.
Connection priority is configured in following order: 1. WLAN; 2. Ethernet; 3. 3G
interface. The WLAN interface reports it is connected although connection persistence reports it
cannot resolve the requested destination address. (e.g. Gateway is connected to a WLAN network
with a captive portal active). Gateway will start the Ethernet interface. When Ethernet is
connected and connection persistence reports the link is accepted the gateway will start using the
Ethernet interface.