System 1067 manages max general use 32 inputs.
SAB tamper inputs present in control panel and expansions 1067/008 are not programmable.
For more information and connections, refer to
Installation manual.
4.6.1 Inputs
Every input has two codes: a physical one and a logical one. The two addresses are displayed according to the following
physical address : logical address
more in detail:
is the bus device type or the control panel (UC= control panel, EX= expansion, KP= keypad, DK= reader)
is the progressive numbering of bus devices that contain the inputs,
is the input numbering in bus X device.
is the input logical address, composed by two digits, that the control panel assigns with a system progressive
numbering when bus devices are acquired.
The physical address is useful for the installer during system installation and maintenance phase.
System 1067 identifies the inputs on display with physical address, logical address and name, while voice and numerical
alarms are identified only with logical address and customized message, if present.
During acquisition phase of 1067/008 expansions, the control panel assigns automatically a progressive logical address
to all the 8 inputs (the first 8 are the control panel inputs), while keypads and readers inputs are not considered; because
they are default inputs and consequently they are defined as not used and must be manually enabled and numbered.
4.6.2 Inputs
The input type sets how the control panel manages the signals coming from the electric circuit (de connection
cables) connected to the input.
For further details and application schematics, see Installation Manual.
With a programming procedure it is possible to change the physical characteristics of all the inputs, except for SAB input,
that can be only balanced type and to which is associated the tamper alarm. Alarm inputs can be:
Not used
: electric signal changes, both as input opening and tamper, are ignored. By programming an input as
“Unused”, you also prevent unused inputs from having to be closed with a jumper.
: please note that the system manages a maximum of 24 inputs. From the factory, all inputs of the
control panel and expansions are configured, and the auxiliary inputs of the keypad and readers are set as
"Not Used”. If there are 3 1067/008 expansions installed and you want to use some auxiliary inputs, you
must first program just as many inputs as "not used" and then configure the auxiliary inputs, while remaining
within the total of 32.
. (normally closed): in normal condition the electric circuit connected to the input must be closed; its opening
generates the associated event.
(normally open): in normal condition the electric circuit connected to the input must be open; its closing
generates the associated event.
: determines 2 voltage thresholds by which there are acknowledged rest status, alarm signalling, and
signalling of tamper by wire shorting.
Double balancing
: determines 3 voltage thresholds by which there are acknowledged rest status, alarm signalling,
and signalling of tamper by wire shorting and cutting
: it generates the alarm signalling when the electric circuit is open for the time corresponding to the
programmed sensitivity.
Rolling shutter
: it generates the alarm signalling when, in a given time, the electric circuit is opened and closed for a
number of times corresponding to the programmed sensitivity.