Version 3.4 / November 2016
Page 67
Information that can be downloaded from the USB-flash drive into the machine:
Configuration of a certain Machine:
File format EVA-DTS. File name: Cxxxxxxx.DTS, C then the
7-digit serial number of the machine, specified in clause 1.1.2 of he Technician’s menu. The file will be
loaded into the machine only when the coincidence of numbers specified in clause 1.1.2 and in the file
name. This allows you to load from one USB-flash drive different configurations for different machines.
To download the information you
want to insert USB-flash drive into the connector of the controller board
in the trade mode and confirm the request:
‘‘Load Configuration?’’
General configuration:
File format EVA-DTS. File name: CONF_GEN.DTS. The file can be download
ed to the machine with any number specified in clause 1.1.2.
To download the information you
want to insert USB-flash drive into the connector of the controller board
in the trade mode and confirm the request:
‘‘Load Gen. Config.?’’
“Update Config.?”
- Confirm the command to update or create a new configuration file from machine
to USB-flash drive in technical mode. This command appears when you put USB-flash drive into the con
troller board in technical mode.
Software update:
To update the machine software should visit the manufacturer’s website under the
and on the next page, choose the appropriate model for automat-
ic software updates. Then, on the next page, select the link FiRMWARE CONTROLLER, after which
the starts the automatic download of files to your computer. The files are downloaded to the archive
folder, for write files on USB flash drive, unzip the folder and save the contents of a folder in the root
directory of USB flash drive. The archive folder contains software update files machine with explana
tory text files.
To update software the machine you want to insert USB flash drive with saved the files in the USB
connector of the controller board machine. When these files are stored on a USB-stick determined by the
controller is displayed proposal to update the software.
To download the power board must confirm the request:
‘‘Load Snack firmware?’
To download the software of the main board machine must confirm the request:
‘‘Load firmware?’’
Editing configuration files, and view audit files by using a special program ‘‘Unicum Vending Machine
Tools, which can be downloaded here: