Version 3.4 / November 2016
Page 46 Menu item [1.3 tIME INtERVALS]
Menu item “1.3 Time intervals” determines time intervals during which a product can be sold through
the vending machine at a discount, be available for sale or blocked as per the parameters (discounted
products, blocking of cell) presented in clause “1.6 Price”.
The Machine can handle 7 time intervals. each interval has its own end time.
The start time of an interval coincides with the end time of the previous interval.
The start time for an interval is set at the ned of the previous interval or at 00:00:00.
1.3 Time zones
Configuration of time intervals (see above)
1.3.1 Time zone 1
Configuration of time for interval 1
Enter time
1.3.2 Time zone 2
Configuration of time for interval 2
Enter time
1.3.3 Time zone 3
Configuration of time for interval 3
Enter time
1.3.4 Time zone 4
Configuration of time for interval 4
Enter time
1.3.5 Time zone 5
Configuration of time for interval 5
Enter time
1.3.6 Time zone 6
Configuration of time for interval 6
Enter time
interval 1 - 10:00:00
interval 2 - 18:30:00
intervals 3,4,5,6 - 00:00:00
The machine will function during three time intervals from 00:00:00 to 10:00:00 – interval 1, then from
10:00:01 till 18:30:00 – interval 2 and interval 3 from 18:30:01 to 00:00:00.