Version 3.4 / November 2016
Page 58 operator’s menu
This menu provides access to functional features of the Machine during periodic servicing. These fea-
tures include event logs, information regarding equipment functioning and errors, access to configure
information about drinks and browse through sales statistics. The menu item numbers include the digit “2”,
which helps clearly mark the type of maintenance menu as – Operator’s menu. Menu item [2.1 StAtUS]
This menu item provides a look into Machine’s operational errors.
Most of the errors are nullified after you exit the maintenance menu. Some of the errors need to be liq
uidated manually and shift to menu item 2.1.2.
2.1 Status
Display of operational errors
2.1.1 Show error
Shows a list of errors (current and previous) upon entry to the
menu item, indicating the type of equipment, number of fail-
ures, date and the time of last error, as well as the current state
of error (active or not)
List of errors
2.1.2 Reset error
Resets errors upon entry
2.1.3 Temperature
Shows the temperature of two temperature sensors of SVM-1, which was fitted
with a new Regulator.
This menu item is hidden if the number of snacks is 0 or if there is no temperature
sensor connected to keypad 021 of SVM-1
2.1.4 Voltage DC
Shows the DC voltage on main board (regular reading, when fed from a 220V
source is 32.6V).
This menu item is hidden if the first version of mainboard is installed